

Focus on Exporting Australian Food and Wine to Europe and North America

Category: Blog

Australia has a reputation for producing and supplying quality Food and Wine and this is well deserved as we have the highest quality production standards and the best growing conditions and practices. At PATAZA, we have focused mainly on markets in Asia, and we are pleased to announce that we are now exporting Australian Food and Wine to European and North American markets.

With the current position on Logistics as a result of the COVID pandemic and now the current war in Europe, we have seen a large increase in enquiries from Europe and also other markets in Asia due to supply issues they are experiencing buying from the United Kingdom and Europe. We have also noticed and increase in interest in Australian Oats, Vegetable Oils and Legumes, again due to increases in demand and limits in supply. This is also causing issues in Australia as manufacturers and suppliers are experiencing significant increases in costs, driven by increases in fuel (+15% vs SPLY) and increases in raw materials.

We have experience sourcing and shipping to the European Union, and we currently ship to France, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and Benelux as well as the UK across all categories including Confectionery, Wine, General Grocery, Drinks and Snacks and food staples such as Oats, Legumes, Vegetable Oils. Australia has also announced a new FTA agreement with the UK, reducing import taxes and duties.

North America is also a growth market for PATAZA Pty Ltd, and we are shipping Confectionery to Canada and United States and we are also shipping grocery products from Australia to our sales partner in California, meaning that we can now ship to the USA through a co-loading agreement with our customer in the United States of America, allowing us to provide a Full Service solution to new customers, as we can source, supply, ship and even arrange local delivery in America.

We are also registered with FDA and we have a Dairy Export and Wine Export licence and this means that we are well placed to ship a wide range of Food and Wine to North America.

Popular products in Europe:

  • Tim Tam Biscuits
  • SAO Biscuits
  • Arnotts Biscuits
  • Weet Bix
  • Pods – Mars, Twix and Snickers
  • Manuka Honey
  • Maltesers Buckets
  • Bundaberg Drinks
  • Golden Circle Drinks 

Popular products in North America:

  • Tim Tam Biscuits
  • Limited Edition Confectionery and Snacks(M&M, Kit Kat, Doritos)
  • Australian Wine
  • Australian Milk
  • Kombucha
  • Big Sister Fruit Cakes
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Pods – Mars, Twix and Snickers

If you are in Europe, United Kingdom, Unites States of America or Canada and you are seeking to import Australian made Food, Confectionery and Wine, we would be pleased to arrange Export to your market. We are a leading Australian Food and Wine exporter, and we have the experience to deliver your export needs. Contact Us today.


Australian Convenience and Impulse Expo Melbourne Australia 2022

Category: Blog

PATAZA Pty Ltd was very pleased to attend the C&I Expo in Melbourne Australia on 30th and 31st March 2022. The Food and Wine industry has been challenged over the past 2 years of Coronavirus and it was fantastic to see people attending a non-virtual tradeshow, and whilst attendance of visitors and exhibitors was no doubt impacted, there were still quite a lot of visitors and high-quality products and categories on display.

Convenience & Impulse Retailing ( is a Champion for the C-Store and FMCG industry in Australia. We have had a long and close relationship with this magazine and now digital company, starting many years ago with Keith Berg, and today with Safa de Valois at the helm, and it was great to see Safa and his team at the event and the way the event was presented is a testament to their passion for the industry.

From a Products perspective, there were around 100 exhibitors at the event, ranging from multinational suppliers such as Nestle, Coca Cola and Asahi Beverages down to smaller suppliers just launching new products to the market. As well, there were several Merchandise, Software and Retail Hardware exhibitors.

Products that we found particularly interesting were the following:

  1. Love Buds  Plant Based products. This exhibitor also wone our internal vote for Best Stand at the show. We have tried many Meat replacements and have found them to be quite tasteless or wrong texture. Love Buds products, however, taste good – we tried the Hamburgers and the Sausages, and the taste was very close to real meat products. We have already recommended this product to some of our customers in Asia and they want to try this.
  1. JC’s Quality Foods are popular in Asia, where Healthy Snacks are more popular than Confectionery and Salty Snacks. We are pleased to offer these quality products to our customers.
  2. Sprout Organic is an interesting product in an emerging market for Plant Based products, they have created a Plant Based Infant Formula as well as a range of other plant-based products. We will discuss this product and the whole Plant Based market and follow this closely.

Aside from the exhibitors, there was also a Drinks and Networking event on the Wednesday. This was a great chance to catch up with contacts in the trade and taste some Australian Craft Beers and Wines. It was good to speak with old friends and new in a relaxed environment and discuss future plans and challenges now that we are slowly but surely getting back to “the new normal”.

In conclusion, was the CI&I Expo worth travelling to Melbourne for? Absolutely! It was a well put together event and the opportunity to travel and meet people in a professional environment was well worthwhile after 2 years of isolation and “virtual” events, so we hope that this is just a taste of things to come as we continue to supply quality Australian Made Food and Wine to the world. Contact Us today.


Australian Macadamia Nuts 2022 Season is about to commence

Category: Blog

In a world that has been turned upside down due to the global pandemic, one thing that you can rely on is that Australian Macadamia Nutscome into season every March/April, and this year is no different. We are preparing now and starting to take orders for the 2022 Australian Macadamia Nut season for both Nut In Shell and Kernel sales.


Export of Nut In Shell usually starts at the end of March and beginning of April. We export Bulk Macadamia Nuts In the Shell in 2 sizes – 22+mm and 20-21mm.The most popular and sought-after size is the 22mm+ size which is large Macadamia Nuts In the Shell, and we mainly export these to China and Vietnam, where these are turned into “Happy Nuts” with a laser cut on the shell, or they are cracked overseas. These are available in 1000kg Bulka Bags.

We also export Macadamia Kernel in bulk, in sizes including 0,1,3,4L,5 and 6. Style 0 Macadamia Kernel is the largest size of cracked Macadamia Kernel and is available either Raw or Roasted and we also supply Bulk Macadamia Kernel coated with flavours such as Wasabi, Honey, Abalone, Salted and more.

Macadamia 2

Regarding Macadamia Pries for 2022, we expect that these will be released by the end of February, initial indications are that we will see a reduction in prices paid to the grower, which will lead to a reduction in Export prices, which we see as a positive move as while we have the best Macadamia Nuts in the world, they have for the past 2 seasons been very expensive compared to other markets.

We are taking orders NOW for Australian Macadamia Nuts, so if you are an importer or you are seeking Australian Macadamias either In Shell or Kernel, contact us for competitive prices on quality Macadamia Nuts from Australia.


We also have some late 2021 Kernel available – size 4L and we can offer some super prices on this stock. Contact Us today.


A Simple Food Export Guide for changes in China Food and Wine Packaging Laws – Decree 248 and 249 and GACC

Category: Blog

new china packaging rules

In mid-2021, China announced new food establishment registration and product labelling requirements for imported foods and alcohol from 1 January 2022. The requirements apply to all countries, including Australia. These changes are aimed at regulating and imporving traceability and responsibility for the quality and safety of Food products exported to China.

Many manufacturers, exporters, importers and wholesalers have been contacting us for information and advice on how to prepare for these changes, and so we have decided to put together a summary, some useful resources and the benefit of our experience to date.

These new regulations that are about to take effect are new and will impact all suppliers of Food and Wine to China in some way.

image (5)

Here is a summary of the regulations and what they mean.

Decree 248 – every factory that produces food or alcohol to China must be registered with the Chinese Government. The Factory or Manufacturer must register their production facility and this will generate a unique code (GACC Number). This number is required for Food or Alcohol to be imported and sold in China.

For this registration, there are 2 categories of products, and these both have different registration process.

Article 7 Food Items.

This is the most complex registration process, and in Australia, we have been lcuky to receive support from the Australian Government and AUSTRADE who have assisted Article 7 factories and manufacturers with registering with China Government for Export

Article 7 food items includes:

  • casings
  • honey
  • edible fats and oils
  • stuffed pasta
  • edible grains and milled grain products including malt
  • fresh and dehydrated vegetables
  • dried beans
  • seasonings
  • nuts and seeds
  • dried fruits
  • unroasted coffee beans and cocoa beans
  • health foods
  • food for special dietary purposes.

These products must be registered and the registration number and Chinese characters (writing) must be printed on the original packaging. This means that for these items, Importers cannot label the items when they arrive in China, the labels must be on the product before arrival into China.

Article 9 foods

Article 9 foods are any food items that don’t fall into Article 9 and factories and manufacturers of Article 9 products can self-register with the Chinese Government using this website . The website is in Chinese, Google Translate should be able to assist. When you click on this link, look for the Orange Box in the top right hand corner. UPDATE – Single Window Registration has been updated and here is the new self-registration link.

Article 9 food can be exported to China as long as it has a GACC Factory Registration Number and can be labelled in China by the importer, the product must have a label applied that includes GACC number.

Decree 249 – this relates to packaging regulations for food and alcohol sold in China. As explained above, the rules for Article 7 foods are that the label has to be produced with writing and information in Chinese (English is optional) and also must include GACC number on the label when produced.

Article 9 foods can be exported, and the importer must include a label with factory GACC number before it is allowed to be sold in China.


We are now starting to Export food products to China for manufacturers and brands that are registered with China Government by the Single Window portal. We have found that in Australia, there are many manufacturers who are well prepared and have already prepared Chinese packaging for Article 9 foods and many Article 7 factories, manufacturers and brands are also registered. There are however, many Australian manufacturers that have not yet registered or are not aware of the potential impact of these changes. It is important to note that unless the manufacturer is registered, you will not be able to Export Food or Alcohol to China.

We hope that this guide is useful, feel free to link to our Blog page or contact us via our website or at our google site . You can also find more information about these changes at the Australian Government AUSTRADE web page where there is useful information and resources.

Contact Us for Export of Food and Wine from Australia, we are a Leading Exporter of Australian Food and Wine.


Farewell Year of the Ox and Welcome Year of the Tiger

Category: Blog


February 1st 2022 is the start of the Lunar New Year and in the Chinese Horoscope it is the year of the Tiger. As Christmas and Western New Year are quickly approaching, we have been encouraging our customers in Asia to order early to avoid late arrival caused by shipping delays.

2021 Review

2021 (Year 2 of COVID) has been more challenging than 2020 (Year 1 of COVID), the reasons for this include:

– Supply Chain and Logistics cost increases – Sea Freight and Air Freight have in some cases tripled in price, to levels that can’t be absorbed

– Manufacturer Price Increases – driven in part by increasing costs of raw materials and Logistics as a result of COVID

– COVID Lockdowns and Lockdown fatigue – in many countries the impacts of lockdowns and restrictions on movements have had a bigger impact on business sentiment in 2021 and also Government assistance in many countries has been reduced or removed. Many countries are still in lockdown

(Image Courtesy of The Economist)

Despite the challenges of 2021, PATAZA Pty Ltd has achieved some major milestones in the past year including:

– Launching Kombucha into the Korean market, building on successful Kombucha sales in the Japan market

– Shipping containers of Food to a new customer in USA

– Sales of DJ&A products into Japan

– Growing our customer base in the Middle East/Gulf region

– Maltesers Buckets and M&M Buckets export to Asia

– Embarking on launching Australian Food and Wine to the European Union (EU) and United Kingdom

Throughout the past year, we have worked with our supply partners and our customers to deliver Australian Food and Wine for export, and we will continue to source and deliver quality Australian made products to the world.

2022 Forecast

Whether its Western New Year or Lunar New Year, we are looking towards 2022 with optimism, and there is a lot of data to support this.

AUSTRADE, Australia’s international trade body recently gave an interesting presentation on Post Covid potential for a world in recovery which gave some positive forecasts for 2022 and the DHL Export Barometer 2021 also gives some powerful insights for 2022.

Here at PATAZA Pty Ltd, we are planning for growth in the next year. We have some exciting projects and objectives in the next 12 months including

– Launching our own range of products under the Australis Food Group brand. Stay tuned for more information coming soon.

– Launching Australian Food and Wine into the EU and UK market, including our own brands

– Consolidating and growing in the US market

– Developing and implementing a plan to become Carbon Neutral

We are seeing a trend for consumers in markets towards healthy food options – including functional beverages and foods, organic food, low sugar food and drink and healthier snacking options, and our company is well placed to capitalize on these market segments with Australian Food and Wine world renowned for quality and freshness.

(Courtesy of DHL Export Barometer 2021)
(Courtesy of DHL Export Barometer 2021)
Last Chance to Order for Delivery Before Lunar New Year

Finally, as we draw close to the end of 2021, the year of the Ox, we are encouraging our customers to place orders early for delivery before the year of the Tiger. Vessels departing in mid-December should arrive in Asia by mid-January and we have some Special Offers on popular products like Maltesers Buckets which are a great gift idea.

If you are interested in importing Australian Food and Wine, Contact Us today, we are a leading exporter of Food, Confectionery and Wine from Australia and experts in the industry.


7 Must Know Tips for Importing Australian Food and Wine

Category: Blog

7 Must Know Tips for Importing Australian Food and Wine

We get a range of enquiries from customers all around the world, wanting to import Australian Food & Wine. Many businesses and importers/wholesalers have knowledge and experience in doing this, for many importers, however, this is their first experience importing food and wine from Australia or they may be totally new to the world of importing food and wine. To assist in this, we have prepared a list of 7 must know tips to make this process easier.

Do your research before you start

You need to be confident that you have researched your market and the products that you want to import, including where you plan to sell or distribute. Our company policy is that we are a B2B exporter, so you may need to register your business in your market. Importers and Exporters generally order in large, commercial quantities. With the growth of Amazon, T-Mall, Taobao and other e-commerce platforms, we often get asked if we can dropship products or send small quantities by international couriers directly to consumers. We don’t provide this type of service. You can also seek advice and assistance from your government or Business Chamber. In Australia we work with AUSTRADE.

Learn the Lingo

There are a lot of TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms) and other jargon (industry terminology) that are worth knowing – let’s start with Incoterms: CIF, Ex Wks, CNF and the list goes on, these relate to international standards for shipping and Logistics. It is well worthwhile understanding these as you, your import freight agent and supplier must all agree on how your order will be delivered and who will pay the logistics and insurance costs. There are also terms that will dictate if you can import – for example are you trying to import Non-Prescribed Goods (NPG) or a Prescribed Good which will require a phytosanitary inspection or an export certificate.

Find yourself a trusted import agent in your market

You will likely not be able to import Australian Food and Wine without the assistance of an import agent. Your import agent will advise you on what are the requirements for your import and what you either need to have or get to import. They will be able to give you a list of what you require in terms of paperwork from the exporter or licenses and approvals you will need in your market to satisfy Customs and your regulatory authorities.

Make sure you can import the commodity 2
Make sure you can import the commodity

Importing food and wine from Australia is generally not difficult, but there are some processes and formalities that must be followed to avoid disappointment.  It is the importers responsibility to make sure that they have all the required permits, licenses and approvals required for your market.  Different markets have different requirements – some require pallets to be fumigated and provide a certificate, some require original documents including a Wet Stamp or Wet Ink.

Find a reliable sourcing partner

There are many reasons why you should engage the services of a sourcing agent/food products supplier such as PATAZA Pty Ltd in Australia. As food export, we have the local contacts and knowledge to be able to source, consolidate and export all Australian Food and Wine. Your sourcing partner should act as your advocate in Australia, ensuring that the process, documentation, certificates and inspections if required and also arrange Logistics, either using your freight company or ours.

Making Payments

There are many ways to pay for your order, and both parties need to do their best to ensure that they are dealing reputably. Some ways to manage this include Letter of Credit (LC), Bank Guarantee, sending a deposit and then balance on shipping documents. Our companies practice is to get a deposit from our customers and the balance payment once we supply all shipping documents and photos of products and loading. For some customers, we also arrange an independent inspection on loading through companies such as SGS, TUV, Anindya and others.

Preparing for your import arrival-3
Preparing for your import arrival
This is where your chosen import agent comes into play. When a container is shipped or air freight dispatched, there is a Notify Party listed on the Bill of Lading or Shipping Documents or Airway Bill. For a shipping container, the Notify Party will be sent an Arrival Notice and your freight agent should be able to always track your cargo. Pay your local Duties, Taxes and Local charges. You should be then able to clear your goods and start selling.

With these tips in place, you will be well positioned to import Australian Food and Wine into your market, for help with importing Australian Food and Wine or to place an order, contact us today.

Blog Confectionery & Chocolates

Maltesers season is coming – why Australian chocolates are in demand globally

Category: Blog

While its still summer in the Northern Hemisphere, we are starting to take orders and ship chocolates from Australia to our customers in Asia, Europe and North America in preparation for Winter season chocolate sales. Manufacturers require long lead times for production of seasonal lines – Christmas and Easter and chocolates in general.

One of our largest selling exports in Chocolates is the Maltesers Bucket 465g, along with Skittles 720g Bucket, M&M Chocolate 640g Bucket and M&M Peanut 575g Bucket. The reasons why Maltesers Buckets are a favorite with our customers include:

  • Famous Australian chocolate
  • Great for gifting
  • Red color bucket is considered lucky
  • Empty bucket is great for re-use
  • One of the fastest selling chocolates in Australia due to popular taste.
Maltesers becoming a global social media sensation

There are some crazy ways that people are eating Maltesers – check out this youtube video clip  from South Korea on one way to use Maltesers Buckets 465g – as a breakfast cereal.

New to the World – Family pack Maltesers 880g Bucket

Maltesers Buckets are also made in the UK in 440g size, this is one of the ways you can tell if your Maltesers Bucket is from Australia, as well as the taste. In fact, many of our customers choose Australian Maltesers over those made in other countries. It may also surprise you to know that the popular 37g Maltesers bag is made in Australia too, and only available in the EU market.

Mars Australia has recently launched 880g Maltesers Buckets.  Whilst it is exclusively for Costco, we have access to these new family size 880g Buckets to supply international market. The 880g buckets are unique and offer great value for consumers and parties. To order your Family size Maltesers 880g Buckets, just contact us on +61297118524 or email

Maltesers and M&M – New Flavors and Availability update

We have been advised by Mars that M&M Buckets will be in short supply until Mid-December for M&M Chocolate 640g buckets and October for M&M Peanut 575g buckets.

We also have Limited Edition Maltesers Marshmallow 130g and M&M Hubba Bubba 160g bags. We have done some taste testing on these and the feedback is that the new M&M’s flavor is best, with most of our people preferring the traditional Maltesers.

So why are Australian chocolates in demand around the world?

In general, we have found that many of our customers and consumers prefer the taste of Australian Milk Chocolate, there is quite a lot of debate on the internet over which countries chocolate tastes best, and we will leave you to judge for yourself, however, it seem that the main factor affecting the taste of the chocolate is the Milk that is added. Milk tastes different in every country and the taste is influenced by weather conditions, the grass that cows eat, altitude, breeds of cow and numerous other factors. Australian Milk is sought after all over the world, and we assume that this is the reason why Australian chocolates are in demand all over the world. Try our chocolates and see for yourself.

We are now taking orders for Maltesers 465g buckets and other chocolates, so to avoid disappointment, get in touch with us and secure your order for Maltesers today.

Remember – as in the popular Game of Thrones, Maltesers Season is Coming…

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Beverage Blog

Kombucha – a versatile and healthy beverage alternative

Category: Blog

Kombucha is thought to have originated in Norther China (formerly Manchuria) circa 220 B.C. and was prized for its healing properties and then reportedly taken to Japan in the times of Emperor Inkyo then to Europe and the rest of the world during the early 20th century.

Kombucha, also known as Mushroom Tea, Manchurian Tea or Tea Fungus is made by brewing and fermenting Green Tea with Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast or SCOBY (Latin: Medusomyces gisevii[). This living culture are said to be Probiotic and is one of the main reasons for the popularity of the drink and it is widely classed as a “functional beverage”.

Example of SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast)

After brewing and fermenting for some weeks, the raw Kombucha is slightly effervescent (a result of the fermentation process) has a vinegar smell and slightly bitter taste, it is then flavoured with natural flavours and sweetened either with sugar alternatives (No Sugar) or sugar. Kombucha sweetened with sugar generally requires refrigeration to slow down fermentation, whereas Kombucha made with sugar alternatives is able to remain shelf stable at room temperature.

Real brewed Kombucha that is raw and not pasteurized or filtered contains living cultures that are beneficial for gut health, this is one of the possible benefits of Kombucha drink, along with other claimed benefits such as containing anti-oxidants, the benefits of Green Tea and natural anti-biotics, along with many unproven claims relating to blood pressure, reducing blood pressure and diabetes, it should be noted that these claims are unfounded, but what can be proven is the Kombucha contains live cultures.

Ginger & Lime Kombucha bound for Japan

Kombucha is an extremely versatile drink and there are many benefits to consuming a no sugar beverage with pro-biotics compared to sugar filled and artificially flavoured soft drinks and sodas. Kombucha also makes a fantastic mixer for alcohol, and there is a growing market in the USA for “’Hard Kombucha” or high alcohol Kombucha.

A part of the fermentation and brewing process of real Kombucha produces a small amount of alcohol (less than 0.5% to be classed as non-alcoholic for commercial purposes), however, for hard kombucha, the fermentation process is allowed to go on for longer, producing an alcoholic drink, non-alcohol or virgin Kombucha can also be used as a mixer for other alcohol such as Vodka or White Rum.

The global Kombucha market is estimated to be $USD 1.8 billion as at 2019 and it is forecast to grow to $USD 10 billion. Kombucha sales are highest in USA, Europe and Australia, with strong growth potential for the Asian markets. We currently export Kombucha to Japan, and we have seen significant growth over the past 2 years of exporting to this market.

Consumers tend to be female skewed aged 18 – 60 with middle to high income consumers who are more likely to live in cities as opposed to rural.

Jiva Kombucha Swing Top Lid

We export a wide range of Kombucha from Australian manufacturers, and we are about to release our own brand of Kombucha to launch in the European and Asian markets, stay tuned for more news on this exciting launch. In the meantime, if you need more information on Kombucha or the brands we export, please contact us for more information and access to quality Kombucha, made in Australia – Naturally!

Some of the brands of Kombucha we export:

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Blog Tradeshow

Naturally Good Tradeshow – May 2021

Category: Blog

The team from PATAZA Pty Ltd recently visited the Naturally Good tradeshow in held in Sydney in late May 2021.

With all the interruptions to business in Australia and the world due to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, it was fantastic to be able to see exhibitors and visitors attending this annual event.

There were more than 200 exhibitors present at the show, including many companies that we work with, and there were also quite a few international suppliers present.

There is a growing trend for Plant Based food products which is forecast to grow to a $72.4 Billion market by 2027 , with Australia being the third fastest growing Vegan market, and the Naturally Good exhibition had many interesting Plant Based food options on display and after sampling many of the offers, we can see why this segment is in growth. There was also a Plant Based baby food offer, which we have not previously seen, and we will be investigating this to see if there is demand from our customers.

It cant be overstated how important events and exhibitions like Naturally Good exhibition are, after a long period of hibernation, the chance to attend trad shows to see whats new in the market is something that we look forward to continuing. Later this year we will be attending the Fine Food Australia trade show in September.

At PATAZA Pty Ltd, we export a large range of Healthy and Natural products – including Organic Snacks and Dried Fruits, a wide range of Nuts and Grains and Certified Organic products including Eco Farms Organic Chia seeds. Contact Us today to discuss your needs if you are looking for Healthy, Organic or Natural products!

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